Press and Media

Media team contacts

Our team are happy to contribute to press and media publications on subjects relevant to our service, either by providing articles or contributing by providing quotes and taking part in interviews. Please send all press and media requests to Lisa Darby at

Please note we don't have an on-call staff member for press and media: we'll respond to any out-of-hours requests during working hours.

WHY Cancer Charity

Claire Dooley

Claire is one of our service users who following her cancer diagnosis in 2018 took up the opportunity to take part in our pilot ‘WHYoutdoors’ outdoor therapy course.  Claire was profoundly impacted by the benefits nature connectedness had on her physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Claire’s work now focuses on nurturing connections within the health & wellbeing sector, and with over ten years’ experience in the Employee Benefits industry, she is also exploring ways to support businesses incorporate nature connection into their working practices.

'Post treatment I was frustrated with the slowness of recovery, the fatigue was impossible to manage and I had a 3 year old. After the first day learning nature connectedness I noticed one of the practices was having a profound impact at combating bouts of fatigue and it's been a go to tool ever since. The sense of relief that I had some way to manage it was immense and enabled me to contribute to family life the way I wanted to be able to. Nature connection has been the reason I’ve been able to become well again, emotionally, physically & mentally.'

Ask Claire about:

Nature for wellbeing
The impact of cancer on family life
Breast cancer

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