Professional boxer and Frome resident Ryan Wheeler, also known as ‘The Somerset Stallion’ took on the LCW Mallorca three-day triathlon in October to raise funds for local cancer counselling charity We Hear You. Despite never participating in a competitive sea swim before, Ryan completed the 750m sea swim in 10th place overall. He also completed the marathon on day 3 in just 3 hours 39 minutes.

Ryan said : “Overall I’m pleased with my results at the weekend - credit to Ian Chappell who introduced me to LCW Mallorca and himself completing the full Ironman distances for the third year in a row! I’m also very happy I could help raise some money for this fantastic local charity ‘WHY’.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for all of the supportive messages I have received and the generous donations - there is still time to donate!

Fundraising Officer Helen White said “We want to say congratulations and a huge thank you to Ryan for completing this gruelling challenge in aid of We Hear You. He has completed a 750M sea swim, a 100km cycle and a full marathon of 26.2 miles over 3 days, which is pretty epic! We’re so grateful for the support of all our challenge participants – WHY receives no central government funding and requires more than £5,000 every single week to fund our counselling service, so events like these are a huge boost both in terms of fundraising and our public profile. It’s great to hear that Ryan was inspired by Rachel Clark and her ‘365 for WHY’ running challenge. Rach also inspired our 27-strong Three Peaks team on August 2019, which is fantastic. Thanks again to Ryan – we’re always deligted to hear from people in the community who would like to support WHY so please get in touch at to find out more about how to do it.

Ryan Wheeler’s sponsorship page is at

To find our more about We Hear You’s free professional counselling service for anyone affected or bereaved by cancer or a life threatening condition, please email or call 01373 455255.


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