Local fundraiser and Bath resident Rachel Clark was joined by 104 fellow runners, including WHY’s founder Jill Miller in Victoria Park on New Year’s Day as she launched her ‘365 for WHY’ challenge. Rachel has pledged to run a mile a day for the whole of 2019 to raise funds and awareness of We Hear You (WHY). Local web design, photography and branding company Creative Solutions have created the website for the challenge free of charge and took aerial photographs of the inaugural mile, including capturing the runners forming a giant ‘25’ for WHY’s anniversary.

Organiser Rachel Clark says: ‘I’ve been overwhelmed by the phenomenal support from the community already – please keep signing up to join me throughout the year. Keep an eye on for details of where and when I’m running. I ask everyone who runs with me to make a donation and wear a WHY t-shirt - this challenge is all about raising awareness about the amazing work they do and cash to make sure they can keep doing it.’

Fundraising and Communications Manager Gemma Wilkes says ‘Rachel must be the only person who could convince 100+ people to go for a morning run on New Year’s Day! We’ve now heard of people from as far away as the USA joining in and the first day alone raised over £600. It’s fantastic to see the community get behind Rachel once again and we look forward to following her progress and joining her ourselves.

’It’s particularly special that our founder Jill Miller came along to the event on the first day of our anniversary year. Jill founded Positive Action on Cancer in 1994 as a telephone helpline for women with breast cancer and it has grown year on year, becoming WHY in 2016 and reaching a milestone of 100 counselling sessions per week in 2018, helping around 4000 children, young people and adults a year who have been affected by a life threatening condition. We’re proud to continue what Jill began and look forward to celebrating her achievement throughout the year.’

Follow Rachel’s progress and sign up to join her for a run at and can also follow her on and

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