Frome-based recruitment agency Brad Employment is launching a charity partnership with cancer counselling charity We Hear You (WHY). In addition to supporting the charity with its own recruitment, the agency have pledged to donate 15% of commission earned when candidates or employers mention WHY on enlisting their services. This extends not only to signups in the local area but also to those who use Brad Employment’s services for roles in Bath and Bristol.

Fundraising and Communications Manager Gemma Wilkes says “We were delighted when Brad Employment approached us earlier in the year and offered to support us. Our corporate partnerships are hugely important in supporting the work that we do, both from a fundraising and an awareness-raising perspective. The support of Brad Employment is so useful as it forges links with many local employers, ensuring that they know about our services should they need them and may choose to support us themselves. We’re in the early stages of putting together a package of support for employers whose staff who are affected directly or indirectly by cancer or a life threatening condition. As one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, the impact of cancer is universal and employers need to be equipped to provide the right support. This new partnership with Brad Employment is a fantastic strategic opportunity to develop and launch the project and we look forward to working closely on it with Mark, Brad and Jazmine. We’re also going to hold Brad to his promise to take on a challenge for WHY!”

Information about Brad Employment can be found at  For information about supporting We Hear You, please email

To refer yourself for WHY’s free professional counselling service for people affected by cancer or a life threatening condition, call 01373 455255 or email

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