London to Paris Bike Ride Challenge

Date: 23rd-27th July 2025

Sponsorship and Costs

£149 registration fee, £1900 minimum sponsorship or £950 self funded

Find Out More


WHY Cancer Charity

Our London to Paris Bike Ride is an awesome cycling challenge and by far one of the best fundraising events in Europe, attracting hundreds of riders each year and raising thousands of pounds for charities nationwide. We’ll spend 4 days in the saddle, cycling from capital to capital. Our journey begins in London, with our route taking us through glorious English countryside as we cycle from Kent to Dover, before crossing the Channel and continuing through the rolling green fields of Northern France, where we pass the war memorials and cemeteries of the Somme. A spectacular finish awaits us as we reach the home stretch around the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs Elysées, before reaching the pièce de résistance, the Eiffel Tower, which marks our finish line.


If you have any questions please email us at our Community Fundraiser is happy to talk to you about setting up your fundraising page, raising sponsorship and other support you may need to get involved.

If you are ready to sign up to this challenge and support We Hear You, you can register here:

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WHY Cancer Charity

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